Create a “File” table with a container field.UPDATE: To initiate the process on client and have it to save the file on server you need to somehow tell the server that there's a file it needs to save. Give this shell script another privilege set and have it to move the file to the to point to /my/path on disk My Disk you'll write: filemac:/My Disk/my/pathĮxport into the Documents folder and rewrite the schedule to run shell script after You start the path with a platform prefix: filemac.Į.g.On Mac all FileMaker paths virtually start in /Volumes.But if it worked, then the path will be like this: Try to give FileMaker correct privileges for the target folder. If this works, then the script is OK and you only need to work around the privileges issue. This should export the file into /Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Documents. Try to write a separate server script and export into the following file: "filemac:" & Get( DocumentsPath ) & "myfile.xml" The client has the same privileges as the current user, while the server runs as fmserver:fmsadmin and can only access its own directory tree in /Library/FileMaker Server. Note that data exports can also be found in other parts of the system, specifically in the event calendar and on the Control Panel – Additional Member Data screen, where you can export member answers to club-specific questions in a crosstab format.FileMaker client runs under different OS privileges than FileMaker Server. If you select “Members and Non-Members in a selected mailing list category”, an additional panel will appear to specify the category: If you select one of the financial transaction options, an additional panel will appear to allow you to specify a date range: Subgroup administrators will export only the members of their subgroup. Subgroups: If your club or association has subgroups, full admins can optionally filter the export based on any level of subgroup. CSV files can be opened in Notepad or any word processor they can also be read by spreadsheets such as MS Excel or databases such as MS Access, Corel Paradox, or FileMaker Pro. Data are saved in CSV format (Comma Separated Values), with one record per row, commas between fields, and quotation marks around text values. The results will either download automatically or you will be prompted to save them to a local file, depending on your web browser. Select an option from the list and click the Export button. When you select this option, the following screen is displayed: You can perform this task at any time for active clubs, we recommend doing it at least once a month. ClubExpress allows you to export your organization’s data to a local file for archival purposes or to interface with other software.