You have been divine for an extended period of time, and are favoured by the gods. The color in your name will reflect one of the following alignments:Ĭrusader*, Divine, Good, Neutral, Evil, Criminal, Scourge*Ĭrusader: Pure divine. This is your "reputation" in Ashen Empires. Step 2.) Use the Bloody Altar to give an appropriate sacrifice.There are several alignments in Ashen Empires.Step 1.) Obtain an elusive Emblem from creatures within the dungeon.RNG on clicking horns and statue removed, this will be a single click per step, and he will spawn (statue will disappear for 10 minutes and may then be spawned again if you have the proper item).Vinteruul now leashed to his room, similar to dragon bosses.Warlord Vinteruul spawning mechanic has been readjusted, is now a summoned spawn using Talazarian Emblem, still requires quest in order to spawn.This was a long time dream of FujiQ's from getting lost in here so often. Dragon Eggs now have colors reflective of their parent dragon.Added extra loops in Dragon Caves, modified flow so it's less linear in nature with some less direct routes/side loops, added escape portals (on per level, one-way) back to previous level at various locations.One way entrance to new Dragon Coast through Fire Elemental Cave.New dragon type Shadow Dragon, small chance to spawn on New Dragon Coast, also spawn on Nithhogr level.Added new Dragon Coast with heavier spawns of younger dragons meant as a group challenge.

These, too needed a bit of an update to fit them for PvP settings and for overall ease of use. Other work to note is this update are with Faction Dungeons and the Broken Finger Dungeon. We focused on improving map design and item stats/drops to help more groups progress through content.Ī new NPC - the Shadow Dragon - and additional hunting grounds, updated Dragon caves, and more exits/entrances throughout should make it more varied and dynamic. This content has been due for an updated to bring it in line with the rest of the game experience. A rework and update of one of the iconic expansions for Ashen Empires - Sands of Creation.