It allows you to set bandwidth limitations and it saves a lot of time by changing the way you download files from the internet. This tool provides you with the control to pause, stop or start the downloads. It comes in handy when you have to download multiple files at once located at different file hosting services. It is open source and is supported on all major platforms, the tool is written in Java. > this placeholder will be replaced by time formatted with simpleDateFormatString, see /javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.JDownloader is a great tool that can be used to download files from multiple servers simultaniously. with number you can specify which sourceurl to process > this placeholder will be replaced by the match of sourceurl pattern. > this placeholder will be replaced by the matching group(number) of downloadurl pattern or the host itself if number is -1 > this placeholder will be replaced by original filename without file extension > this placeholder will be replaced by the file extension of the file or the match of the given pattern > this placeholder will be replaced by the current package name > this placeholder will be replaced by original filename or matching group(number) of filename pattern > this placeholder will be replaced by KEY environment variable of your system if supported by plugin, then the downloads will have same directory structure like shown in browser

> some plugins support recursive folder support. first link will be 1, second link will be 2 and so on. > this placeholder will be replaced by number of index of the downloadlink within its package.

properties are plugin specific and there are plans that plugins can return a list of supported properties that can be used here > this placeholder reads out an internal property of the downloadlink itself. > this placeholder will be replaced by previous value where the placeholder is being used in Import this rule in Packagizer (Right-click the 'Raw' button to save file to disk) You can append the custom file name to the URL and parse it using packagizer rule.