The resolution is provided in following Microsoft link. When you close some windows, and then try to open other windows, these windows may open.However, this method doesn't affect the desktop heap limitation This problem occurs because of the desktop heap limitation. If you can’t log into Discord on the desktop app, the most effective way to fix that is to delete Discord’s cache folder. You may receive an error "Out of Memory" because of the desktop heap limitation. If you have enough space in C drive, but still the issue persist, please verify following steps.

Kindly verify following steps to ensure you have required space in c drive. The common cause for this issue would be because you don't have enough available memory for your browsers to load the data. It seems you are facing "Out of memory" error while using your web browsers. Unfortunately, there is no word at the time of writing whether Discord will make its way to Xbox, although PlayStation has said they hope to bring Discord onto Sony consoles within the next year.Hi you for contacting us and taking the time to describe your scenario to us. discord desktop app is basically a program that takes uses data from the internet, its not using a browser. He's right though, the desktop app uses Electron which means it's literally the website embedded in a bundled copy of Chromium. Gamers have asked for console-based versions of Discord for a while now, hoping that Xbox will adopt Discord. The desktop app uses Electron, which embeds the website in a bundled copy of Chromium. So while you can access Discord Nitro through basically any version of Discord, it’s best experienced through the desktop app. While versions of Discord are available on mobile devices like iPhone and Android, these are more limited in function than either of the desktop versions.

It can also utilize your PC’s system notifications to send Discord notifications. Extreme VersatilityGame everywhere with the compact USB-C dongle for a seamless transition between PlayStation 5, PS4, PC, Android, Switch and more.USB-C Charging + Improved Battery LifeUpgraded battery life now with 30 hours of nonstop wireless usage, so you can game all day and night on a single charge using USB-C.

If you only use your PC for gaming, the ability to jump straight into Discord as soon as you boot your PC can save you time. Use Discord to Login to Your Chrome Extension Allow your users to use their Discord credentials to login to your Chrome Extension This tutorial uses a boiler-plate Google Chrome Extension setup. The Discord app can also be set to launch on startup. These are both major factors to consider when deciding on which version of Discord to use. The browser version defaults to Voice Activity. If you select Push to Talk while on the web browser, a warning will say that push to talk is only active when the window is in focus.